Cover story: Springtime for Brazilian movies (p. 8) Hollywood business (p. 13) How to be a diplomat (p. 18) Franchise R us (p. 20) Nhenhenhém What? (p. 23) TV: Welcome to rap-opera (p. 24) Short story: Mário de Andrade's Macunaíma (p. 29) Travel: Olinda & Recife Beauty & the Beauty (p. 37) Elvis is alive and Brazil (p. 42) Elba & Margareth - You ain't heard nothing yet (p. 44) Food: A trip through the savory routes of Brazil (p.54) Rapidinhas (p. 6) Letters (p. 16) Brazilian Notas (p. 26) The Cultural Pulse (p. 46) Por aí (p. 47) Classifieds (p. 49) U.S.A. Calendar (p. 50) That's Brazilian (p. 52) Order an article APRIL 95
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