Cover story: The army goes up the hill in Rio (p. 8) Adjusting to the new president (p. 16) Is inflation coming back? (p.18) Does culture have a chance now? (p. 22) Evangelicals: Brazil in their hands (p. 25) Short story: One by Rubem Braga (p. 29) Young peace ambassador (p. 35) The girl from São Paulo (p. 37) Music: Brazilian Notas (p. 39) Music: Rapping the rappers (p. 40) Travel: Maranhão - Prepare for the discovery Rapidinhas (p. 6) Letters (p. 14) The Cultural Pulse (p. 46) Por aí (p. 47) Classifieds (p. 49) U.S.A. Calendar (p. 50) That's Brazilian (p. 52) Bilingual entertainment guide (p.54)DECEMBER 94