Brazil - Brasil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - April 2002

April 2002
Cultural Pulse

Plays, movies &
best-seller books



Amor, Religião e Sexo (Love, Religion and Sex)—Seven inmates share their experiences and interact with each other in jail, undressing themselves figuratively and literally. Written and directed by Wellington Amorim with Wellington Amorim, Anderson Clayton and Édino Júnior.

Aviso aos Navegantes (Notice to Mariners)—Ms Media (Mídia) and Mr. Dollar Sign (Cifrão) go to Internet in search of a Brazilian Cabral. Pedro Álvares Cabral was the Portuguese navigator credited with the discovery of Brazil. Written by Brazilian playwright Thomas Bakk, directed by André Paes Leme, with Cláudio Mendes and Márcia do Valle.

As Bodas do Rei (The King's Wedding)—A crazy lady dreams with a lost kingdom. Written by Paulo Marcos de Carvalho, directed by José Sisneiro, with Toninho Ferreira and Adriana Medeiros.

A Roda do Mundo (The World's Wheel)—The struggle of the Brazilian black to survive and integrate into the Brazilian society seen through the eyes of dance and martial art capoeira. Written and directed by Márcio Meirelles, with the ensemble Cia. dos Comuns.

Se Correr o Bicho Pega, Se Ficar o Bicho Come(If You Run the Beast Will Get You, If You Stay the Beast Will Eat You)—A new mise-en-scène for Oduvaldo Vianna and Ferreira Gullar's play from 1966. Mocinha, a flirtatious daughter of a political boss fall in love with Roque, a scoundrel who unwillingly ends up becoming a hero. Directed by Antônio Pedro, with Leandra Leal and Murilo Rosa.

Cócegas (Tickling)—Several women provoke laughs and compassion while talking about their stressed life. Ingrid Guimarães and Heloísa Perissé wrote and interpret all the different characters.


Um Pijama para Seis (A Pajama for Six)—A group of friends play a swinging game during a weekend in a country house. Jacqueline loves Robert, her husband's best friend, while Bernardo, the husband, is in love with Marilu. She pretends to be the fiancée of Roberto just to be close to her lover. Written by French playwright Marc Camoletti, directed by Rogério Fabiano, with Luciana Coutinho, Jayme Periard and Élcio Romar.

South American Way—Multi-awarded show on Carmen Miranda comes to São Paulo after being seen by 150,000 spectators in Rio. Nineteen actors play Carmen and interpret, among other songs, "Adeus Batucada," "Taí," and "Tico-Tico no Fubá." Written by Miguel Falabella and Maria Carmen Barbosa and directed by Miguel Falabella and Josimar Carneiro (music)

Jantar Entre Amigos - Pequenos Terremotos—A couple (Karen and Gabe) decide to make an inventory of their own 12-year-old relationship when their best friends (Beth and Tom) tell them they are splitting. With Xuxa Lopes, Otávio Müeller, Renata Sorrah and Mário Shoemberger. Written by Donald Margulies, directed by Felipe Hirsch.

O Homem do Sobretudo Escuro (The Man with the Dark Overcoat)—Based on Agatha Christie's short stories. A young couple who owns a boarding house in England is visited unexpectedly by a police inspector. Directed by Silvio Tadeu and Iná Carvalho, with the troupe Cia. Target de Teatro.


Just-released or re-released American movies:

Thirteen Ghosts (13 Fantasmas), Ice Age (A Era Do Gelo), Hart's War (A Guerra de Hart), The Time Machine (A Máquina do Tempo), Monster's Ball (A Última Ceia), The Musketeer (A Vingança do Mosqueteiro), When the Sky Falls (Alto Risco), Gosford Park (Assassinato em Gosford Park), Mulholland Drive (Cidade dos Sonhos), The Majestic (Cine Majestic), Training Day (Dia de Treinamento), E.T. - The Extraterrestrial (E.T. O Extraterrestre), Collateral Damage (Efeito Colateral), Whipped (Eles Só Pensam Naquilo), The Straight Story (História Real), Jimmy Neutron, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (O Menino Gênio), K-Pax (K-Pax - O Caminho da Luz), Shallow Hal (O Amor É Cego), The One (O Confronto), The Man Who Wasn't There (O Homem Que Não Estava Lá), Lord of The Rings (O Senhor dos Anéis), Ocean's Eleven (Onze Homens e um Segredo), The Royal
Tenenbaums (Os Excêntricos Tenenbaums), Peter Pan - Return to Neverland (Peter Pan - De Volta à Terra do Nunca), Pi (Pi), I Am Sam (Uma Lição de Amor), A Beautiful Mind (Uma Mente Brilhante)

Dias de Nietzsche em Turim (Days of Nietzsche in Turin)—Brazil/2001—The passage of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) through the Italian town of Turin. Based in the last writings by that pioneer existentialist. Directed by Julio Bressane, with Fernando Eiras, Paulo José, Tina Novelli, Leandra Leal, and Mariana Xiemenes.

Latitude Zero (Latitude Zero)—Brazil/1999—Lena, who is pregnant and lives in a tavern by the road, gets involved with a former policeman after being dumped by her boyfriend. Directed by Toni Ventura, with Débora Duboc and Cláudio Jaborandy.

Bellini e a Esfinge (Bellini and the Sphinx)—Brazil/2001—Detective Remo Bellini gets involved with a prostitute, who helps him, while trying to find a mysterious woman. Directed by Roberto Santucci, with Fábio Assunção, Malu Mader, Maristane Dresch. Based on Tony Bellotto's novel.

Avassaladoras (Dominatrix)—Brazil/2001—Comedy. The growing up of Laura who has to learn how to deal with her desires and impulses. Directed by Mara Mourão, with Giovanna Antonelli, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Caco Ciocler, and Rosi Campos.

Lavoura Arcaica (Archaic Tillage) Released in English as To the Left of the Father—Brazil/2001—The story of a Lebanese family in Brazil. One of the sons feeling oppressed by father, smothered by mother and sexually attracted by sister leaves home. Based on Raduan Nassar's novel Lavoura Arcaica. Directed by Luiz Fernando Carvalho, with Selton Mello, Raul Cortez, Simone Spolidore, and Juliana Carneiro.



1. Diário do farol, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Nova Fronteira, R$25

2. Pequenas criaturas, Rubem Fonseca, Companhia das Letras, R$28

3. As mentiras que os homens contam, Luis Fernando Verissimo, Objetiva, R$16.90

4. Comédias para se ler na escola, Luis Fernando Verissimo, Objetiva, R$16.90

5. O senhor dos anéis, volume único, J.R.R. Tolkien, Martins Fontes, R$75

6. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal, J.K. Rowling, Rocco, R$22

7. Contos inacabados, J.R.R. Tolkien, Martins Fontes, R$48.50

8. O Diário de Bridget Jones, Helen Fielding, Record

9. O Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, Martins Fontes, R$37.50

10. Harry Potter e o prisioneiro de Azkaban, J.K. Rowling, Rocco, R$22


1. Querida mamãe, Bradley Greive, Sextante, R$19.90

2. Boa forma em 90 dias, Matt Roberts, Globo, R$25

3. Quem mexeu no meu queijo, Spencer Roberts, Record, R$19

4. As melhores piadas do Planeta e Casseta, Casseta e Planeta, Objetiva, R$15.40

5. Um dia daqueles, Bradley Greive, Sextante, $19.90

6. O universo numa casca de noz, Stephen Hawking, Mandarim, R$35

7. Como dizer tudo em inglês, Ronald Martinez, Campus, R$33

8. Uma mente brilhante, Sylvia Nasar, Record, R$43

9. A mulher do próximo, Gay Talese, Companhia das Letras, $R41.50

10. Da alvorada à decadência, Jacques Barzun, Campus, R$119


1. Dominando o Windows 2000, Mark Minasi, Makron, R$188

2. Manual completo do hacker, Various Authors, Book Press, R$49.90

3. Java 2: Guia de consulta rápida, Fábio Ramon, Novatec, R$20

4. Como criar apresentações, Several Authors, Publifolha, R$14.90

5. Como usar e-mail, Several Authors, Publifolha, R$14.90

6. Hacker Linus, Lee Hatch, Makron, R$56

7. Modelagem Visual, Terru Quatrani, Ciência Moderna, R$34

8. C completo e total, Herbert Schildt, Makron, R$108

9. Core Java 2, Cornell, Makron, R$94.50

10. Programando com Excel 2000, Simone Fraga, Bookstore, R$25

According to Jornal do Brasil,

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