Brazil - Brasil - BRAZZIL - News from Brazil - Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - August 2002

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August 2002

Cultural Pulse

Plays, movies & 
best-seller books 



Mamãe Não Pode Saber (Mom Cannot Know)—Comedy. Family deep in debt gets ready to receive the visit of the matriarch, who lives in Europe and is quite wealthy. Written and directed by João Falcão. With Vladimir Brichta, Lázaro Ramos, Edmilsom Barros, Drica Moraes, and Alessandra Maestrini.

Caixa 2 (Under the Table)—Comedy. A man gets an extra credit of $10 million in his bank account. His life becomes miserable when he decides to return that money. Written by Juca de Oliveira and directed by Fauzi Arap, with Mauro Mendonça, Oswaldo Loureiro, and Cláudia Mauro.

Stella do Patrocínio: Relatos de uma Alma Aprisionada (Stella do Patrocínio: Reports of a Chained Soul)—Text by Stella do Patrocínio. Directed and interpreted by Clarisse Baptista. The testimony of Stella, who for 30 years, was locked at Colônia Juliano Moreira, a psychiatric institution in Rio.

Cócegas (Tickling)—Several women provoke laughs and compassion while talking about their stressed life. Ingrid Guimarães and Heloísa Perissé wrote and interpret all the different characters.

Amor, Religião e Sexo (Love, Religion and Sex)—Seven inmates share their experiences and interact with each other in jail, undressing themselves figuratively and literally. Written and directed by Wellington Amorim with Wellington Amorim, Anderson Clayton and Édino Júnior.

Aviso aos Navegantes (Notice to Mariners)—Ms Media (Mídia) and Mr. Dollar Sign (Cifrão) go to Internet in search of a Brazilian Cabral. Pedro Álvares Cabral was the Portuguese navigator credited with the discovery of Brazil. Written by Brazilian playwright Thomas Bakk, directed by André Paes Leme, with Cláudio Mendes and Márcia do Valle.

As Bodas do Rei (The King's Wedding)—A crazy lady dreams with a lost kingdom. Written by Paulo Marcos de Carvalho, directed by José Sisneiro, with Toninho Ferreira and Adriana Medeiros.

A Roda do Mundo (The World's Wheel)—The struggle of the Brazilian black to survive and integrate into the Brazilian society seen through the eyes of dance and martial art capoeira. Written and directed by Márcio Meirelles, with the ensemble Cia. dos Comuns.

Se Correr o Bicho Pega, Se Ficar o Bicho Come (If You Run the Beast Will Get You, If You Stay the Beast Will Eat You)—A new mise-en-scène for Oduvaldo Vianna and Ferreira Gullar's play from 1966. Mocinha, a flirtatious daughter of a political boss fall in love with Roque, a scoundrel who unwillingly ends up becoming a hero. Directed by Antônio Pedro, with Leandra Leal and Murilo Rosa.


Cachorro! (Dog!)—Dramedy. The peace of three men living under a bridge is disturbed when a woman shows up looking for her dog during a winter night. Written and directed by Ênio Gonçalves. With Emerson Ribeiro, Ênio Gonçalves, José Ferro, and Mara Faustino.

Deus Sabia de Tudo e Não Fez Nada (God Knew It All and Did Nothing)—Tragicomedy. Play discusses homophobia and the right of gays to express their affection in public. A Portuguese exile and an Indian would have been the first Brazilian homosexuals. With Cia. Os Fofos Written and directed by Newton Moreno.

Intimidade Indecente (Indecent Intimacy)—Comedy. A couple get separated when they are in their 50s. But they continue bumping into each other every ten years or so until they are in their 80s. Their stories and lies. Written by Leilah Assumpção, with Marcos Caruso and Irene Ravache.

Não Me Conte Verdades (Don't Tell Me Truths)—Dramedy. Patients meet in a health clinic and start a dialogue while waiting to be seen by the doctor. Written by Tácito Rocha, directed by Luiz Serra and Marcos Cardelíquio. With Ênio Gonçalves, José Ferro and Lourdes de Moraes.

Um Pijama para Seis (A Pajama for Six)—A group of friends play a swinging game during a weekend in a country house. Jacqueline loves Robert, her husband's best friend, while Bernardo, the husband, is in love with Marilu. She pretends to be the fiancée of Roberto just to be close to her lover. Written by French playwright Marc Camoletti, directed by Rogério Fabiano, with Luciana Coutinho, Jayme Periard and Élcio Romar.

South American Way—Multi-awarded show on Carmen Miranda comes to São Paulo after being seen by 150,000 spectators in Rio. Nineteen actors play Carmen and interpret, among other songs, "Adeus Batucada," "Taí," and "Tico-Tico no Fubá." Written by Miguel Falabella and Maria Carmen Barbosa and directed by Miguel Falabella and Josimar Carneiro (music)

Jantar Entre Amigos - Pequenos Terremotos—A couple (Karen and Gabe) decide to make an inventory of their own 12-year-old relationship when their best friends (Beth and Tom) tell them they are splitting. With Xuxa Lopes, Otávio Müeller, Renata Sorrah and Mário Shoemberger. Written by Donald Margulies, directed by Felipe Hirsch.

O Homem do Sobretudo Escuro (The Man with the Dark Overcoat)—Based on Agatha Christie's short stories. A young couple who owns a boarding house in England is visited unexpectedly by a police inspector. Directed by Silvio Tadeu and Iná Carvalho, with the troupe Cia. Target de Teatro.


Just-released or re-released American movies: 

Ice Age (A Era do Gelo), The Powerpuff Girls (As Meninas Superpoderosas - O Filme), Gosford Park (Assassinato em Gosford Park), Lipschtick (Beijando Jessica Stein), Blade 2 (Blade 2 - O Caçador de Vampiros), Murder by Numbers (Cálculo Mortal), Mulholland Drive (Cidade dos Sonhos), Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones (Guerra nas Estrelas: Episódio 2 - O Ataque dos Clones), Spiderman (Homem-Aranha), Mib 2 (Homens de Preto 2), Unfaithful (Infidelidade), Spy Game (Jogo de Espiões), Kate and Leopold (Kate & Leopold), Lilo & Stitch (Lilo & Stitch), The Matrix (Matrix), Minority Report (Minority Report - A Nova Lei), Snow Dogs (Neve pra Cachorro), The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (O Escorpião de Jade), The Man Who Wasn't There (O Homem Que Não Estava Lá), Long Time Dead (O Jogo dos Espíritos), Dragonfly (O Mistério da Libélula), Resident Evil (Resident Evil - O Hóspede Maldito), Deuces Wild (Ruas Selvagens), Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron (Spirit - O Corcel Indomável), About A Boy (Um Grande Garoto)

O Príncipe (The Prince)—Brazil/2002—After living two decades in Paris, Gustavo comes back to São Paulo, his hometown, and finds out that he doesn't know anything and anyone anymore. Directed by Ugo Giorgetti, with Eduardo Tornaghi, Bruna Lombardi, Ricardo Blat, Otávio Augusto, and Ewerton de Castro.

Uma Vida em Segredo (A Life in Secrecy)—Brazil/2001— Based on Autran Dourado's book of same name. Biela, 17, becomes orphan and moves to her wealthy uncle's house. But she cannot adapt to the new life. Directed by Suzana Amaral, with Sabrina Greve, Eliane Giardini, Cacá Amaral, Neusa Borges, and Eric Nowinsky.

Abril Despedaçado (Broken April, Behind the Sun in the English Version)—Brazil-Switzerland-France/2001—Based on Albanian author Ismail Kadaré's book Broken April. In the Brazilian Northeast, following a family tradition, a young man is compelled to avenge his brother's murder. The youngster, however, decides to question this blood code. Directed by Walter Salles, with Rodrigo Santoro, José Dumont, and Rita Assemany.

O Invasor (The Invader)—Brazil/2001—A 15-year-old friendship and partnership go sour and generate a war of words and physical violence when one partner wants out. Directed by Beto Brant, with Marco Ricca, Paulo Miklos, Alexandre Borges, and Malu Mader.

Janela da Alma (Window of the Soul)—Brazil/2001—Directed by João Jardim and Walter Carvalho. With interviews with musician Hermeto Pascoal, writer José Camargo and filmmaker Wim Wenders, this documentary probes how blind people and those with sight problems deal with the world.

Viva São João (Long Live St John)—Brazil/2002—Documentary. A journey throughout the Brazilian Northeast's country side showing songs, traditions and behaviors of the Nordestinos. Directed by Andrucha Waddington.

Timor Lorosae - O Massacre Que o Mundo Não Viu (Timor Lorosae - The Massacre the World Didn't See)—Brazil/2001—Documentary. The story of East Timor tragedy at the hand of Indonesians, before getting its independence. Directed by Lucélia Santos.

Latitude Zero (Latitude Zero)—Brazil/1999—Lena, who is pregnant and lives in a tavern by the road, gets involved with a former policeman after being dumped by her boyfriend. Directed by Toni Ventura, with Débora Duboc and Cláudio Jaborandy.



1. Sexo na Cabeça (Objetiva), Luis Fernando Veríssimo (1 - 8)

2. Harry Potter e o Cálice de Fogo (Rocco), J.K. Rowling (2 - 53)

3. Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban (Rocco), J.K. Rowling (4 - 76)

4. Harry Potter e a Câmara Secreta (Rocco), J.K. Rowling (3 - 94)

5. As Mentiras Que os Homens Contam (Objetiva), Luis Fernando Veríssimo (6 - 82)

6. O Senhor dos Anéis - Ed. Completa (Martins Fontes), J.R.R. Tolkien (5 - 54)

7. Diário do Farol (Nova Fronteira), João Ubaldo Ribeiro (7 - 17)

8. A Sacerdotisa de Avalon (Rocco), Marion Zimmer Bradley (9 - 5)

9. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal (Rocco), J.K. Rowling (8 - 111)

10. Resgate no Mar (Arx), Richard Bach (0 - 0)


1. Quem Mexeu no Meu Queijo? (Record), Spencer Johnson (1 - 83)

2. O Sentido da Vida (Sextante), Bradley Trevor Greive (0 - 0)

3. A Semente da Vitória (Senac), Nuno Cobra (5 - 57)

4. Estação Carandiru (Cia. das Letras), Drauzio Varella (2 - 124)

5. Um Dia Daqueles (Sextante), Bradley Trevor Greive (3 - 63)

6. O Universo numa Casca de Noz (Mandarim), Stephen Hawking (7 - 31)

7. Você É Insubstituível (Sextante), Augusto Jorge Cury (4 - 6)

8. Os 100 Segredos das Pessoas Felizes (Sextante), David Niven (6 - 47)

9. A Casa da Mãe Joana (Campus), Reinaldo Pimenta (0 - 0)

10. Um Desafio Chamado Brasil (Civilização Brasileira), Ciro Gomes (10 - 2)

The first number inside the parentheses tells the position the book was in the previous week. The second number indicates for how many weeks the book is in the list.

According to Isto É Gente,

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