Brazil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - August 1999

August 1999


Plays,movies &
best-seller books



Um Ato para Clarice (An Act for Clarice)Monologue with texts by late writer Clarice Lispector (1925-1977). Directed by Eduardo Wotzik, with Clarice Niskier. Actress, who is pregnant, found Lispector's texts that deal with the origin of life, love and search for God. Teatro da Academia Brasileira de Letras

As Fãs de Robert Taylor (Robert Taylor Lady Fans)Comedy. Written by Marcus Vinícius Faustini and Walter Daguerre, with Rosane de Souza. The story of a fantasized trip to Brazil of actor Robert Taylor. Teatro do Posto 6.

Opereta—O Homem Que Sabia Português (Operetta—The Man Who Knew Portuguese)—Comedy. Written by Tim Rescala, directed by Chico Pelúcio, with Maurício Tizumba, Regina Spósio, and Marina Machado. A fortyish Portuguese teacher tries to find a wife though the newspaper personals. Teatro Villa Lobos

Ensaio para Danton (Rehearsal for Danton)—Drama. Written by Georg Büchner, directed by Márcio Marciano and Sérgio de Carvalho, with Companhia do Latão. Adapted from The Death of Danton, which occurs during the French Revolution. Teatro CCBB.

Atédaquiámilanos (See You in One Thousand Years)—Tragicomedy. Written by Gustavo Rizzoti, directed by Gustavo Rizzoti, with Frederico Magella, Gustavo Rizzoti. For two months a young man locks himself in his apartment.

Se o Meu Ponto G Falasse (If My G-Spot Could Talk)—Comedy. Written by Heloísa Migliavacca and Patsy Cecato, directed by Júlio Conte, with Patsy Cecato and Heloísa Migliavacca. Two girl friends though her conversation give a glimpse on the different phases on women's lives.

Calíngualá—Comedy. Collective creation. Directed by Ivan de Albuquerque, with Leyla Ribeiro and Camilla Caputti. Among the main themes approached: police violence, homosexuality and marriage. Teatro Rubens Corrêa.

Estrelas do Princípio ao Fim (Stars from the Beginning to End)—Musical comedy. Two actors present eight different characters, who muse about the life of the artist. Another collective creation. Myrian Pérsia directs. With Jorge Azevedo and Veluma. Teatro Serrador.

Sexo (Sex)—Comedy. A group plays with sex and has lots of fun. Written, directed and interpreted by Cia. de Comédia Os Melhores do Mundo. Teatro dos Grandes Atores.

Ópera do Malandro (The Scoundrel Opera)—Musical. Cariocas showing off their roguery abilities. Written by Chico Buarque de Hollanda, directed by Cláudio Feliciano, with the group Cabeça de Prata. UFF Theater.


Rent—Musical. Written by Jonathan Larson, directed by Fausto Viana, with Patricia Novais and Alexandre Nardis. The dreams, disputes and despair of a theatrical troupe of New York. União Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos.

A Pensão da Dona Tina (Mrs. Tina's Boarding House)—Comedy. Written and directed by Ronaldo Fonseca, with Érika Bernardino, Adílson Araújo, and Sandra Martinelli. The adventures of a couple trying to steal a fortune hidden in a boarding house. Anfiteatro Frei Paulo.

Nau de Loucos (Ship of Fools)—Drama. Written and directed by Daniel Furtado Simões, with Gisele Morceli, Clayton Freitas and Ivan Capua. The arrival of a new patient at an insane asylum brings a fresh interest in life to a depressed artist. ECA/USP's Teatro Laboratório.

A Filosofia na Alcova—Peça Destinada a Educação de Mocinhas (The Philosophy in the Alcove—Play Intended for Educating Young Ladies)—Comedy. Based on Marquis de Sade, directed by Marcelo Marcus Fonseca, with Carolina Gonzalez, Daniel Gaggini, and Cibele Forjaz. A very experienced woman in the ways of sex decides to initiate a young lady into the world of licentiousness. Teatro Oficina.

Acordes Celestinos (Celestino Harmonies)Musical Comedy. Written by José Rubens Chachá, directed by José Rubens Chachá and Ary França, with Gérson de Abreu, José Rubens Chachá, and Ângela Dip. Singer Vicente Celestino meets in heaven Carmem Miranda and Francisco Alves. The three of them want a chance to go back to earth, but this is only one opening. Teatro Arthur Azevedo.

A Desgraça Adora Companhia (Disgrace Loves Company)—Comedy. Written by Paulo Rogério Lopes, directed by Luiz Damasceno, with Antônio Farias, Caco Mattos, Angella Simoneti and Marcos Ferraz. Locked in a mental hospital a former genius girl now turned into an alcoholic reminisces.

Bailei na Curva (I Danced at the Curve)—Drama. Directed by Carmo Tavares, with Persona group. How peoples' lives are changed by history. Teatro João Caetano

Se Essa Rua... (If this Street...)—Comedy. Directed by Tiche Vianna, with students of EAD (School of Dramatic Arts) and ECA (School of Communications and Arts). Two rival businessmen hire a detective to prevent their children from dating each other. USP (Universidade de São Paulo) Teatro Laboratório.

O Guardião do Túmulo (The Grave Keeper)—Drama. Based on a Kafka text, directed by Eduardo Cabús, with Antônio Soler, Harold Ferrari, and Victor Paes. A debate about power and the way it is used by people.



Playing By Heart (Corações Apaixonados), Universal Soldier: The Return (Soldado Universal, O Retorno), She's All That (Ela É Demais), Lake Placid (Pânico no Lago), Blast From The Past (De Volta para o Presente), Pushing Tin (Alto Controle), Black Dog (Estrada Alucinante), Rushmore (Três É Demais), Eyes Wide Shut (De Olhos Bem Fechados), Senseless (Sem Sentido), Wing Commander (Wing Commander: A Batalha Final), Runaway Bride (Noiva em Fuga)

Por Trás do Pano (Behind the Curtain)—Brazil/1999—Drama—By Luiz Villaça, with Denise Fraga, Luís Melo, Pedro Cardoso, Marisa Orth, and Estér Góes. The existential conflicts of a married young actress who meets a director divided between the whims of ex-wife and the jealousy of current one.

Caminho dos Sonhos (Dreams' Way)—Brazil/1999—Drama—Directed by Lucas Amberg, with Edward Boggiss, Taís Araújo, Caio Blat, Thalia Shire, and Elliot Gould. In the name of love a couple (he a son of Jewish immigrant, she a black) battles their families and society.

Até Que a Vida Nos Separe (Until Life Do Us Apart)—Brazil/1999—Adventure—Directed by José Zaragoza, with Alexandre Borges and Júlia Lemmertz. Five friends from São Paulo and their love exploits.

O Viajante (The Traveler)—Brazil/1998—Drama—Directed by Paulo César Saraceni, with Marília Pêra, Jairo Mattos, Leandra Leal, and Míriam Pérsia. How the arrival of a salesman changes the life of a Minas Gerais state little town.

Notting Hill (Um Lugar Chamado Notting Hill)—England/1999—How a chance encounter between the most famous Hollywood star and a businessman changes their lives. Directed by Roger Michell, with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.

Ayeneh (O Espelho)—Iran/1997—Drama—Girl decides to perambulate through the streets of Teheran when her mother does not come on time to pick her up at school. By Jafar Panahi, with Ymina Mohammed-Khani.

No Se Lo Digas a Nadie (Não Conte a Ninguém)—Peru/1998—Drama— Directed by Francisco J. Lombardi, with Christian Meier, Lúcia Jiménez, and Santiago Magill. Middle-class youngster gets involved with drugs while trying to find his own identity.

Le Temps Retrouvé (O Tempo Redescoberto)—France/1998—Drama—On his death bed Marcel Proust reminisces about his life. Directed by Raoul Ruiz, with Emanuelle Béart, Catherine Deneuve, and John Malkovich.

Réquiem (Réquiem: Um Encontro com Fernando Pessoa)—Switzerland, France, Portugal/1997—Drama—directed by Alain Tanner, with Francis Frappat, Andre Marcon, and Alexandre Zloto. Life starts changing when Paul meets in Lisbon with poet Fernando Pessoa's ghost.

Outras Estórias (Other Stories)—Brazil/1999—Drama—Directed by Pedro Bial, with Cacá Carvalho, Giulia Gam , and Juca de Oliveira. Based on Guimarães Rosa's short stories.



1 A casa dos budas ditosos, Luxúria, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Objetiva, R$ 19

2 O fantasma, Danielle Steel. Record, R$ 22

3 Victoria, Rosamunde Pilcher. Bertrand, R$ 30

4 A eminência, Morris West. Record, R$ 28

5 Ramsés, a batalha de Kadesh, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 30

6 Musashi vol. 1, Eiji Yoshikawa. Estação Liberdade, R$ 48

7 O Clube dos anjos, Gula, Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Objetiva, R$ 16.80

8 O martelo de Éden, Ken Follet. Rocco, R$ 35

9 Homem que matou Getúlio Vargas, Jô Soares. Companhia das Letras, R$ 25

10 Mal secreto, Inveja, Zuenir Ventura. Objetiva


1 Capitães do Brasil, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 24.50

2 Minhas mulheres e meus homens, Mário Prata. Objetiva, R$ 24

3 O Essencial, Costanza Pascolato. Objetiva, R$ 39

4 Anita Garibaldi, uma heroína brasileira, Paulo Markun. Senac, R$ 35

5 A casa do Rio Vermelho, Zélia Gattai. Record, R$ 25

6 A Viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 18

7 Náufragos, traficantes e degredados, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 19.50

8 208 maneiras de deixar um homem louco de desejo, Margot Saint-Loup. Ediouro, R$ 9.90

9 Estação Carandiru, Drauzio Varella. Companhia das Letras, R$ 26

10 As Melhores piadas do planeta e da casseta também, vol.2, Casseta e Planeta. Objetiva, R$ 12


1 Não faça tempestade em copo d'água, Richard Carlson. Rocco, R$ 19.50

2 Vivendo melhor através da numerologia, Aparecida Liberato. Best Seller, R$ 27

3 O livro da sorte, F. Ramon. Trevo, R$ 7

4 O sucesso é ser feliz, Roberto Shinyashi. Gente, R$ 20

5 Como falar corretamente sem inibições, Reinaldo Polito. Saraiva, R$ 18

6 Arte da meditação, Daniel Goleman. Sextante, R$ 18.90

7 A águia e a galinha, Leonardo Boff. Vozes, R$ 16

8 Minutos de sabedoria, C. Torres Pastorino. Vozes, R$ 4.80

9 As sete leis espirituais para o sucesso, Deepak Chopra. Best Seller, R$ 13.50

10 As sete leis espirituais para os pais, Deepak Chopra. Rocco, R$ 16

According to Jornal do Brasil,  

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