Brazil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - December 1998

December 1998


Plays,movies &
best-seller books



Como Matar um Playboy (How to Kill a Playboy)—Comedy. To kill a son in law who is a crook, the father in law hires a hitman. Written and directed by João Bethencourt, with Oswaldo Loureiro and André Mattos. Teatro BarraShopping.

Deu a Louca no Motel (Things Went Crazy in the Motel)—Comedy. After 25 years of fidelity to his wife, man takes a callgirl to a motel. The little adventure turns into a big mess. Written by Genilson Gouveia, directed by Roberto Guilherme, with Roberto Guilherme and Regininha Poltergeist. Teatro América.

Uma Noite na Lua (A Night on the Moon)—Comedy. Monologue. A playwright has to write a play overnight, but he only can think about his wife who has just left him. Written and directed by João Falcão, with Marco Nanini. Teatro dos Quatro.

A Serpente (The Serpent)—Last text written by Nelson Rodrigues. Guida offers her own husband to her sister and ends up creating an intense jealousy between both. Directed by Antônio Guedes, with Alexandre Dantas and Cláudia Ventura. Teatro Glauce Rocha.

A Dona da História (History's Mistress)—Comedy. A woman's life and all her choices. Written and directed by João Falcão, with Marieta Severo and Andréa Beltrão. Teatro do Leblon.

Os Sete Gatinhos (The Seven Kittens)—Drama. Thinking that the youngest daughter is still a virgin a family makes the preparation for her wedding the center of the family life. Written by Nélson Rodrigues. Directed by Moacyr Góes, with André Valli and Natália Lage. Teatro Carlos Gomes.


Èonoé—Using Noah's biblical tale, the play tells how the universe is recreated. Written by José Rubens Siqueira, directed by Francisco Medeiros. With the ensemble Pia Fraus Teatro. Teatro Ventoforte.

Dom Casmurro (Mr. Curmudgeon)—Bentinho wants to prove to himself beyond any doubt that his beloved wife Capitu betrayed him. Adapted from the Machado de Assis novel by José Paulo Rosa, who also directs. With Regina Pessoa, Zhé Gomes, and Alexandre Leal, Teatro Lucas Pardo Filho.

Honorato—The saga of Cobra-Norato, a young man trying to break a spell. Written and directed by Paulo Ribeiro. With Selma Luchesi, Sandro Álvares, and Verônica Menezes. Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia.

Sonetos de Camões (Camões's Sonnets)Re-telling of sixteenth century great poet Luís Vaz de Camões's turbulent life. Written and directed by Valéria Di Pietro. With Alberto Soares, Carolina Monserrat, Rúbia Regina, and Sandra Pacheco. Teatro Hilton.

Uma Lição Longe Demais (A Lesson That Went Too Far)—Two students kidnap teacher after being expelled from school. Written by Zeno Wilde, directed by Maurício Lencasttre, with Aldine Müller, Maurício Lencasttre and Edye. TBC (Teatro Brasileiro de Comédia)

Aqueles 2 (Those Two)—The reencounter of two lovers long after the end of their affair. Written and directed by José Geraldo Petean, with Eloísa Elena and Marcelo Góes. Espaço Piolim.

Homem Branco e Cara Vermelha (White Man and Red Face)—Lost in the desert a Jew in order to survive must dissuade an Indian from committing suicide. Written by George Tabori, directed by Wolfgang Pannek, with Linneu Dias, Maura Baiocchi, and Antônio Galleão. Teatro do Instituto Goethe,

As Polacas (The Polish Girls)—Based on Jovens Polacas (Polish Girls), a book that tells the story of a group of Jewish prostitutes in Brazil, early this century. Written by Analy A. Pinto, directed by Iacov Hillel, with Lúcia Romano and Isa Kopelman. Teatro Maria Della Costa.

Um Sanatório para Freud (A Sanatorium for Freud)—Writer pretends to be crazy in order to avoid torture in prison. Written and directed by Ivanildo Antônio, with Humberto Marambaia and Nira Niróska. Espaço Cultural Livre.


Just-released American movies:

Apt Pupil (O Aprendiz), A Bug's Life (Vida de Inseto), The Butcher Boy (Nó na Garganta), The Governess (A Governanta), Halloween: H20 (Halloween: 20 Anos Depois), Meet Joe Black (Encontro Marcado), The Mighty (Sempre Amigos), The Prince of Egypt (O Príncipe do Egito), Rush Hour (A Hora do Rush), The Siege (Nova York Sitiada), What Dreams May Come (Amor Além da Vida)

Traição (Betrayal)— Brazil/1998—Drama. Three episodes based on Nélson Rodrigues characters, dealing with adultery. By Arthur Fontes, Cláudio Torres and José Henrique Fonseca, with Fernanda Montenegro, Fernanda Torres and Pedro Cardoso.

Simão, O Fantasma Trapalhão (Simão, the Clumsy Ghost)— Brazil/1998—Comedy. Millionaire and his family meet ghost and have a good time with him. By Paulo Aragão Neto with Renato Aragão, Dedé Santana, Luciano Szafir, and Ivete Sangalo.

A Grande Noitada (The Big Night Out)—Brazil/1998—Musical. An adventurous night with a rich industrialist and three people he just meets. Directed by Denoy de Oliveira, with Othon Bastos, Ítalo Rossi, and Ester Góes.

Alô? (Hello?)—Brasil/1997—Comedy. The adventures of four small-time swindlers. By Mara Mourão with Betty Lago, Myriam Muniz, Herbert Richers Jr., and Wellington Nogueira.

Toque do Oboé (Oboe Call)—Brazil-Paraguay/1998—Drama. Brazilian musician with an incurable disease finds the love of his life while playing at an old theater in a little village. By Cláudio MacDowell, with Paulo Betti, Letícia Volta, and Mário Lozano.

Amor e Cia (Love & Co)—Brazil/1998—Comedy. The day he is celebrating his fourth anniversary of marriage a husband finds his wife betraying him with his partner. Directed by Helvécio Ratton, with Marco Nanini, Patrícia Pillar, and Alexandre Borges.

Coração Iluminado (Enlightened Heart)—Brazil/1998—Drama. After 20 years man meets girlfriend he thought was dead. Their old flame reignites. Directed by Hector Babenco, with Maria Luísa Mendonça, Miguel Angel Solá, Xuxa Lopes, and Walter Quiroz.

O Testamento do Senhor Nepomuceno (Mr. Nepomuceno's Will)—Portugal-Brazil-Cabo Verde/1997—Comedy. People know about the life of a rich man by reading his will. Directed by Francisco Manso, with Nélson Xavier.

Festen (Festa de Família)—Denmark/1998—Drama. A family gets together to celebrate the 60th birthday of the patriarch. Directed by Thomas Vinterberg, Henning Moritzen, and Birthe Neumann.

Tudo É Brasil (All Is Brazil)—Brazil/1997—Documentary. The third film of Rogério Sganzerla exploring Orson Welles 1942 trip to Brazil. The narrator is Welles himself.

Marquise (Marquise)—France-Italy-Spain-Switzerland/1996— Drama. The story of Marquise du Parque, infamous courtesan from Louis XIV court. Directed by Vera Belmont, with Sophie Marceau and Bernard Giraudeau.

Carne Tremula (Carne Trêmula)—Spain/1997—Drama. Directed by Pedro Almodovar, with Javier Bardem and Angela Molina.



1 O Homem que matou Getúlio Vargas, Jô Soares. Companhia das Letras, R$ 25

2 Conte-me seus sonhos, Sidney Sheldon. Record, R$ 25

3 O Advogado de Deus, Zibia Gasparetto. Espaço Vida & Consciência, R$ 20

4 O Advogado, John Grisham. Rocco, R$ 25

5 O Clube dos anjos, Gula, Luís Fernando Veríssimo. Objetiva, R$ 16.80

6 Veronika decide morrer, Paulo Coelho. Objetiva, R$ 15

7 A Confraria dos espadas, Rubem Fonseca. Companhia das Letras, R$ 16.50

8 Com todo amor, Rosamunde Pilcher. Bertrand, R$ 20

9 Ramsés, o filho da luz, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 30

10 Mal Secreto, Inveja, Zuenir Ventura. Objetiva, R$ 22


1 As melhores piadas do planeta e da casseta também, vol.2, Casseta e Planeta. Objetiva, R$ 10

2 A Viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 16

3 Náufragos, traficantes e degredados, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 17.50

4 Não faça tempestade em copo d'água, Richard Carlson. Rocco, R$ 19.50

5 A última grande lição: o sentido da vida, Mitch Albom. GMT, R$ 13.80

6 203 maneiras de enlouquecer um homem na cama, Olívia Saint Claire. Ediouro, R$ 10.90

7 Como falar corretamente sem inibições, Reinaldo Polito. Saraiva, R$ 18

8 Tantos anos, Rachel de Queiroz. Siciliano, R$ 25

9 As barbas do imperador: D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos, Lilia Schwarcz. Companhia da Letras, R$ 32

10 177 maneiras de enlouquecer uma mulher na cama, Margot Saint Loup. Ediouro, R$ 10.90


1 O livro das virtudes para crianças, William J. Bennett. Nova Fronteira, R$ 21

2 Asterix, as 1001 horas, Albert Uderzo. Record, R$ 10

3 Bebê Donald e a surpresa, Walt Disney. Manole, R$ 8

4 Uma professora muito maluquinha, Ziraldo. Melhoramentos, R$ 11

5 O Castelo da Intriga, Paul Stewart. Scipione, R$ 9.80

According to Jornal do Brasil

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